Discover the Power of Fleckvieh Genetics
Welcome to Fleckvieh Source Genetics, your source for elite Fullblood Fleckvieh Simmental genetics.
Fleckvieh Source Genetics has been established as a resource for both Fullblood and commercial breeders to obtain the most elite Fleckvieh and Fleckvieh based bulls in North America. This site provides the opportunity to access Fleckvieh genetics that may have been difficult to obtain previously. This site not only provides the opportunity to purchase semen, but it also creates an opportunity for a producer to make their elite bull available by consigning to the program.
By utilizing Fleckvieh Source Genetics, a purchaser will be able to select from a variety of bulls that have been assembled to meet their specific needs. Not only is semen being made available for purchase, but the inventory will be located at a centralized location. This will allow for the purchaser to select from multiple elite Fleckvieh in whatever quantity that is desired. The centralization of inventories allows for the purchaser to combine the various sires selected into one shipment, resulting in reduced shipping costs to the buyer.
There are benefits for producers who choose to consign their bull to Fleckvieh Source Genetics. A consignor will benefit from Fleckvieh Source Genetics marketing their product on an ongoing basis. By being connected with Fleckvieh Source Genetics, the producer will receive reduced pricing for both collection and storage if utilizing designated location for services.
We look forward to working with you as both a buyer and a consignor to meet your genetic needs. It is the goal of Fleckvieh Source Genetics to enhance the availability and to increase the notoriety of Fleckvieh cattle to cattleman across the globe.
Thank You,
Lance Smith